In Book 5, Changing Tides, of the Intrepid Journey series, I wrote about Isaac Stevens' heroism in the Civil War (See Chapter 8). As a Washingtonian, I'm proud of our first governor. President Franklin Pierce appointed Isaac Ingalls Stevens to be the first governor of Washington Territory on March 17, 1853. Isaac served until 1857, then represented Washington Territory as a delegate to Congress for the next four years. Then, when the Civil War began, he volunteered his services to President Lincoln and the Union. He held the rank of brigadier general of volunteers and commanded the 79th New York, known as the Highlanders. He became known as the "Little Napoleon", and died a hero.

The death of Isaac Stevens, Washington Territory's first governor. Depicted heroically in this lithograph created by Alonzo Chappel in the 1860s. (Courtesy Charles V. Mauro).